
Course Description

Course Details 
What does a supervisor or a manager need to know? Have you ever felt technically prepared for a supervisor's role, yet felt defeated by all of the people issues that seem to arise? You are not alone; many people feel the same way.   In this six-week online course, you will learn how to be a more effective manager or supervisor. You will master the basics of communication, because effective communication is essential in your quest to be a good manager or supervisor.   In addition, we will discuss how you can develop your interpersonal skills, by understanding and dealing with the various people issues that arise at work. We are going to show you how you can understand various personality traits--in yourself and in others--and how they impact the ability to get the job done. These traits include emotional intelligence, the need for power, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and more.   You will be able to assess your own personality, as well as the personalities of your co-workers and boss, and you'll develop a plan of action to improve both your interpersonal skills and your work relationships.  
How It Works 
This course is fully online, you require internet access and an email account. The course duration is 6 weeks, followed by a 2-week period to complete the final exam (online, open book). Lessons are released on Wednesdays and Fridays of each week, for a total of 12.   You are not required to be online at any specific time. In addition to the specific lesson content, there is a discussion board with each lesson and often there is an optional assignment to apply the learning. Following each lesson,   there is a short multiple choice quiz. Your score on these quizzes does not count towards the final mark but completing these helps solidify your learning as well as prepare you for the final exam. The final exam is an open-book, multiple choice exam   and you need to achieve a minimum of 65% on the final exam to pass the course. There is only one opportunity to pass the exam. A certificate of completion from WatSPEED is available within four weeks of successful completion of each course and can be accessed in your student portal. Many of the Ed2Go courses are eligible towards the various online certificates offered by WatSPEED. 
Completion of Fundamentals of Supervision and Management (or equivalent experience). 


Lesson 1 - Purposes and Elements of Communication. When a manager or supervisor begins to have problems in the workplace, it usually isn't due to any technical skill deficiency. More often than not, it's some kind of communication problem or interpersonal problem. This course will provide you with a great many tools you can use to help with the kinds of real-world issues that arise every day in the workplace. This first lesson will introduce you to some of the basic components of communication.

Lesson 2 - Direction of Communication Flow. As we begin to identify problems or issues with communication in organizations, it's valuable to have a framework to help us understand it. In this lesson, we'll look at the directions in which communication flows in organizations, barriers to communication, and organizational issues that block communication.

Lesson 3 - Communication Media and Effective Listening. How do you become a better communicator? Choosing the right communication method is a logical first step! This lesson will provide you with some tips for doing just that. We'll also talk about how to listen more effectively-the first step to being a more effective communicator.

Lesson 4 - Non-verbal and Written Communication. What we say is only part of what we communicate. The non-verbal message can be just as powerful! In this lesson, you'll learn all about nonverbal communication and some techniques to make sure that you're not sending the wrong message. Then we'll start discussing written communication as well as how to use the writing process more effectively.

Lesson 5 - Communicating with Groups and Running Effective Meetings. Communicating with individuals is a real art--communicating with groups multiplies the challenge! Here's we'll discuss groups and teams and how to best approach them with your communications. We'll also talk about some constructive criticism techniques as well as how to deliver bad news so that it is received and not resisted.

Lesson 6 - Communicating During Organizational Change. During times of organizational change it is difficult to communicate effectively, and sometimes hard to get your points across effectively. People are angry, tense, and anxious, and so are you! In this lesson, we'll look into what happens to the climate of the organization during times of change, and you'll learn how to communicate effectively when it counts the most.

Lesson 7 - Introduction to Interpersonal Skills. In this lesson, we'll begin to discuss the second major topic of the course: Interpersonal skills. Here we'll go over why these skills are important in any organization and we'll look into a concept called emotional intelligence.

Lesson 8 - Personality Theory and Personality Types. Personalities! They're all around us. You have one and so does everyone else. Many problems at work are blamed on personality conflicts. What does this really mean? We'll find out in this lesson. We'll begin by discussing the personality traits of introverts versus extroverts.

Lesson 9 - Personality Conflicts. In this lesson, we'll talk about an important trait called agreeableness. People can be high or low or somewhere in between on this trait. Wherever they (or you) fall, there are positive and negative consequences, and we'll explore them all in this lesson. We'll do the same with another important trait: conscientiousness.

Lesson 10 - Personality Characteristics. We'll discuss two more personality traits in Lesson 10--neuroticism and openness to experience. As we learned in Lesson 9, people can be high, low or somewhere in between on these traits, too. And wherever they fall, there are positive and negative consequences.

Lesson 11 - The Use of Power and Situational Leadership. A need for power? Does that seem a bit autocratic to even admit to? Most of us do have at least some need for power, control, and influence. What should you do with that need for power? And do you use your power for good or for evil? Does it have anything to do with being a successful manager? We'll answer all of these questions in this lesson.

Lesson 12 - Using Interpersonal Skills Throughout Your Career. We'll wrap up the course and our discussion on interpersonal skills with some useful tips on how to use these new skills effectively-not just with your employees, but with your peers and your boss, as well.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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