Program Streams

0004 - PLP
0006 - Advanced Design Engineering
0007 - Pharmacogenomics for Healthcare Professionals: The Basics
0026 - MOAT Nova Scotia
0027 - Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship
0028 - Social Media for Business Performance
0030 - Technology Entrepreneurship
0037 - An Introduction to Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids
0041 - Making Evidence-Based Clinical Decisions
0057 - Data Science 4: Machine Learning
0058 - Data Science 2: Statistics for Data Science
0059 - Data Science 1: Foundations of Data Science
0060 - Data Science 3: Big Data Management Systems and Tools
0081 - Enhancing Eye Care Through Interprofessional Collaboration
0133 - Medical Cannabis: Applying the Evidence to Practice
0168 - Lab Tests
0177 - Putting It All Together
0180 - Workplace Communication
0181 - Advanced Design Engineering - Design Project 1
0182 - MOAT - Experiential
0192 - Intercultural Skills
0213 - Le cannabis à des fins médicales : application des données probantes à la pratique
0214 - Patient Interviewing, Assessment and Documentation
0374 - Introduction au cannabis à des fins médicales et aux cannabinoïdes
0376 - Introduction to Machine Learning: Python
0377 - Tools and Ecosystem in Python
0381 - Supervised Machine Learning
0390 - Unsupervised Machine Learning
0400 - Secure Coding
0415 - Career Accelerator Program: Digital Transformation
0416 - Career Accelerator Program: Secure Coding
0420 - Python 1
0421 - Foundations of AI Application in Public Health
0515 - Operationalizing Generative AI: Executive Insights and Applications
0516 - Neural Networks
0517 - Hands-on Machine Learning
0518 - Back-End Frameworks and Architecture
0519 - Security, Database Design, and Concurrency
0520 - Cloud Services
0521 - Digital Transformation in Canadian Health Care
0522 - Python for Health Data
0523 - Cloud Computing and Security Essentials
0524 - Systems and Platform Security in Practice
0525 - Career Accelerator Program: Custom Pathways in Digital Transformation
0526 - Career Accelerator Program: Custom Pathways in Secure Coding
0529 - Python 2: Data Science and AI Applications
0530 - Cryptography in the Real World
Antimicrobial Stewardship
Data Analytics for Behavioural Insights
Data Science
Digital Transformation
Machine Learning
Management of Oral Anticoagulation Therapy
Predictive Analytics for CPAs
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